Lean Practitioners Peer Group – Virtual Launch
Join us as we launch our peer group for practitioners of Lean Management! This will be our first virtual launch and virtual peer group as we look for ways to […]
Join us as we launch our peer group for practitioners of Lean Management! This will be our first virtual launch and virtual peer group as we look for ways to […]
Join us as Nick covers the topic of "Real Agile; Real Delivery" to cut to the chase on agile development. Nick will talk about what the "gemba" means to a […]
Join us January 9th at 4:30 PM for the launch of the AI Peer Group. AI experts Marcus Allen (AESC) and Thad Crews (WKU) will lead this group focused on […]
Click HERE to join the online meeting
Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 252 256 807 378 Passcode: sR3ie93B
Elyssa and JD are going to continue the "Understanding Your Customer" series. Part 2 is: Segmentation, Customer Motivations, and User Stories. Join us online at: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_N2JhZDNiODUtZWRmNS00MDA4LTlhYzAtNWE0NDdjNGE1MGMw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227599e5ee-e310-41d5-87f0-6d47d66fadf6%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22fe9470f6-1d01-4bb0-8eab-284a0f1efa47%22%7d
Join us as we dive deeper into 5 Lean Principles and explore how Lean is being incorporated into various industries. Join the meeting
Rob Wilson will present at the WKU Innovation Campus main stage on the topic of "Transformation Heroes: The X-Factor in Your Digital Transformation". What makes a Digital Transformation more likely […]
We are joining forces with CREATE and Habitat for Humanity of Bowling Green/Warren County to bring two inspirational speakers to town. Both Brenda and Elizabeth will share about how they […]