Data Masters' Round Table: Innovating Through Analytics Collaboration The main goal of today's round table will be to identify and prioritize wants and needs for the data group going forward. […]
Join us for an insightful and engaging Product Management Peer Group meeting, where industry professionals will share knowledge, experiences, and best practices in product management as an intro to what […]
The July meeting has been canceled due to illness. Watch for updates on the next meeting time.
Calling all involved in the development of software to a higher level: Welcome to the Craftsmanship Peer Group. This group exists to perfect in each member the mindset and skills to be a true craftsman/craftswoman. We welcome real world problems and embrace the mind-bending issues that come with developing this fast-moving product. We accept that […]
Dive into the intricacies of the Product Life Cycle (PLC) with us to learn how products evolve from inception to obsolescence and discover strategic tools for resource allocation, marketing, and […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword, often surrounded by a mix of excitement and uncertainty. During this session Bryan Blubaum, Director of Keller Schroeder’s Data Strategy Group, will cut […]
Join us as we partner with the Kentucky Center for Leadership to bring the inaugural Next Level Leadership Summit to Bowling Green. Special guests include Tori McClure, Brian Moyer, John […]